Guess whaaaaaaaat!!!!!!
We're pregnant! Baby Robertson will be arriving in September 2013 :) and we could not possibly be more excited. I say we're pregnant, because yes I may be the one feeling the physical effects of pregnancy... but believe me, Jason is right there feeling my emotional / hormonal effects of pregnancy. I have been a BIT of a roller coaster lately, and he has been so good -- Proving why I married him, he loves me even when I'm a little bit crazy!
Something I have always wanted to do when I became pregnant, was to start a pregnancy blog! Being in the military means we live away from our family and friends. This blog will allow those closest to Jason and I, no matter how far apart we may live, to go through this amazing experience with us :) This blog will serve as our online "scrapbook", I will post updates on my pregnancy as well as latest life adventures Jason and I go on! Here goes nothing...
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